All Classes and Interfaces

Provides a default implementation for most methods required by the {MathTransform} interface.
Represents a reading taken from the AccelerometerService.
An accelerometer measures the acceleration force that is applied to a device in all three physical axes (x, y and z).
Requires this permission: android.permission.CAMERA And this activity added to the AndroidManifest.xml:
Android implementation of BleService
Note: Requires this permission: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
An implementation of the DeviceService for the Android platform.
Android implementation of LocalNotificationsService.
Create the file /src/android/res/xml/file_provider_paths.xml with the following content that allows access to the external storage or to a temporal cache in case the picture is not saved:
An implementation of the PositionService for the Android platform.
iOS implementation of PushNotificationsService.
An implementation of the SettingsService for the Android platform.
Create the file /src/android/res/xml/file_provider_paths.xml with the following content that allows access to the external storage:
Requires <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
ARModel gathers information about the 3D obj model that will be displayed on an AR session
An abstraction of a native sound or music object.
AudioRecording Service.
The audio service provides access to loading native audio (sound and music) objects.
The Augmented Reality Service allows accessing the native AR kit, if it is available.
The barcode scanner can be used to scan barcodes of different types.
With the battery service, you can query the current battery level of the underlying device and whether the device is currently plugged in to an external power source or not.
Characteristics are defined attribute types that contain a single logical value.
Descriptors are defined attributes that describe a characteristic value.
A BleDevice is defined by a name and an address, and a list of profiles/services, and a connection state
The profile describes a use case, roles and general behaviors based on the GATT functionality.
All BLE UUIDs are of the form: 0000XXXX-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb These specs specify the unique XXXX code for each of the currently existing Services, Characteristics and Descriptors For more info about BLE see:
Launches the default browser of the platform as a separate application process.
Cache is a simple Map-like API for caching in-memory on the local platform in a way roughly equivalent to using soft references.
The cache service provides a simple API to weakly cache objects in memory.
The compass service provides a compass heading in degrees as a value between 0.0 and 359.99, where a value of 0.0 represents north.
The connectivity service can be used to determine whether the device is currently connected to a network or not.
An implementation of RuntimeArgsService on desktop
An implementation of SettingService that stores all settings in a Properties file on the local file system.
An implementation of StorageService, it currently writes to the users home directory under '.gluon'
The device service provides generic properties of the device on which the application is running.
Using the dialer service, you can initiate a call to the provided phone number.
With the display service you can query the characteristics of your device's screen.
Possible Notch positions
Transforms vertical coordinates using coefficients from the Earth Gravitational Model.
Exception for handling failures that occurred while working with the native in-app billing API.
With the in-app billing service you can query information about in-app products and purchases that were done and place new orders for those products.
Note: Since iOS 10, the key NSCameraUsageDescription is required in the plist file in order to use this service
iOS implementation of BleService Important note: To scan Beacons, it requires adding to the info.plist file: <key>NSLocationUsageDescription</key> <string>Reason to use Location Service (iOS 6+)</string> <key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key> <string>Reason to use Location Service (iOS 8+)</string> <key>NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription</key> <string>Reason to use Bluetooth interface (iOS 13+)</string> To scan Devices, it requires adding to the info.plist file: <key>NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription</key> <string>Reason to use Bluetooth interface (iOS 13+)</string>
iOS implementation of LocalNotificationsService.
Note:Since iOS 10 requires NSCameraUsageDescription, NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription in pList.
An implementation of the PositionService for the iOS platform.
iOS implementation of PushNotificationsService.
An implementation of the RuntimeArgsService for the iOS platform.
An implementation of the SettingsService for the iOS platform.
With the keyboard service, you can query the height of the software keyboard, whenever it becomes visible.
The life cycle events that can be listened to using LifecycleService.
The lifecycle service provides a way to listen for events when the application is being paused (put in the background) and resumed (brought back to the foreground).
Used to schedule a native notification.
RAS is added after changes in the notifications list to prevent an empty list if the listener is added too soon, before the notifications are provided.
Represents a reading taken from the MagnetometerService.
A magnetometer measures the ambient geomagnetic field for all three physical axes (x, y and z).
Represents a single notification that can be installed onto the system using LocalNotificationsService.
With the orientation service you can detect whether the device is currently oriented horizontally or vertically.
A data structure that allows configuring the AccelerometerService.
A data structure that allows configuring the MagnetometerService.
The Position Service can be configured with several parameters.
Possible accuracy values.
The picture service allows the developer to load a picture from the device's local file system or from a picture taken directly using the device's camera.
An enumeration of the platforms that are supported by Attach.
A class that contains the latitude and longitude coordinates that map to a specific point location on earth.
The PositionService provides details about a device's current location on earth.
A thread that watches certain properties in the native platform to determine whether to notify the user of their change (so that JavaFX properties may be used).
Proximity is based on the estimated distance between beacon and device.
Adds the ability for the application to receive remote push notifications.
The runtime args service allows for external events to be fired into Gluon Attach applications - these events are either provided at startup time as runtime arguments to the application, or they may be delivered at runtime by external services.
ScanDetection is a wrapper class to hold the main data obtained when scanning a beacon: uuid, major and minor ids, rssi and proximity estimation
The SettingService provides a simple way for storing, retrieving and removing key-value pairs of strings.
The ShareService provides a way to share content (text and/or files) from the current app by using other suitable apps existing in the user device.
Enumeration describing the different status values of a media player.
The status bar service provides access to the native status bar of the underlying platform.
The storage service provides access to the private and public storage locations for the application offered by the native platform.
The StoreReviewService provides a way to request store ratings and reviews from users.
The version service provides access to the public and internal version numbers of the current application.
Base class for transformations from a height above the ellipsoid to a height above the geoid.
The vibration service enables access to the vibration functionality present on most devices.
With the video service you can play media files, both video and audio, on your device.