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addFormParam(String, String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Add a single form parameter to the request.
addLoginMethod(LoginMethod) - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.AuthenticationView
Gluon Mobile will initially retrieve the login methods that are defined by a Gluon application from Gluon Cloud.
addQueryParam(String, String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Add a single query parameter to the request.
authenticate(Consumer<String>) - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.AuthenticationView
This method is called every time a request to Gluon Cloud is made that requires an authenticated user and no authenticated user is currently active in the application.
authenticate(Runnable) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Start the authentication flow.
authenticate(Callable<V>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Start the authentication flow.
authenticate(Consumer<O>, O) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Start the authentication flow.
authenticatedUserProperty() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
A property that holds the currently authenticated user.
AuthenticationMode - Enum in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
Defines the constants that are used to specify how the application data in Gluon CloudLink is accessed.
authenticationMode(AuthenticationMode) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClientBuilder
Set the value of the authentication mode for the GluonClient instance constructed by this builder.
AuthenticationView - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
An AuthenticationView is an interface that defines how a user can connect with Gluon Cloud, by using one of the available login methods that are defined in the application.


BasicInputDataSource - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.source
An implementation of InputDataSource that takes any generic InputStream as its source.
BasicInputDataSource(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.source.BasicInputDataSource
Construct a BasicInputDataSource that uses the given inputStream as its source.
BasicOutputDataSource - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.source
An implementation of OutputDataSource that takes any genericOutputStream as its source.
BasicOutputDataSource(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.source.BasicOutputDataSource
Construct a BasicOutputDataSource that uses the given outputStream as its source.
build() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClientBuilder
Make an instance of GluonClient based on the properties set on this builder.


com.gluonhq.connect - package com.gluonhq.connect
The package containing the base classes of the Gluon Connect framework.
com.gluonhq.connect.converter - package com.gluonhq.connect.converter
The com.gluonhq.connect.converter package contains classes that describe how to convert between Java objects and a certain data format.
com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud - package com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
The com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud package contains classes that are used to connect with the Gluon CloudLink infrastructure.
com.gluonhq.connect.provider - package com.gluonhq.connect.provider
The com.gluonhq.connect.provider package contains classes that provide convenience methods to map data sources with a data format to give access to instances of GluonObservable.
com.gluonhq.connect.source - package com.gluonhq.connect.source
The com.gluonhq.connect.source package contains classes that describe from what sources data can be read from or written to.
ConnectState - Enum in com.gluonhq.connect
The possible states a GluonObservable can be in while a DataProvider operation is in progress.
connectTimeout(int) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Sets the connect timeout for the HTTP connection, in milliseconds.
consumerKey(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Sets the consumer key to use for creating the OAuth 1.0 signature that is sent along with the request, by setting the Authorization request header.
consumerSecret(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Sets the consumer secret to use for creating the OAuth 1.0 signature that is sent along with the request, by setting the Authorization request header.
contentType(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Sets the Content-Type request header for the HTTP connection.
create() - Static method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClientBuilder
Create a new instance of GluonClientBuilder that can be used to build instances of GluonClient.
create(File) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.FileClient
Create a FileClient builder using the specified file as a data source.
create() - Static method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Create a RestClient builder for constructing a RestDataSource or one of the classes that are used in the methods of the DataProvider.
createFileDataSource() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.FileClient
Build a FileDataSource that can be used as an InputDataSource to read from the file or an OutputDataSource to write to the file.
createListDataReader(String, Class<E>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Creates an instance of ListDataReader that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.retrieveList(ListDataReader) method.
createListDataReader(String, Class<E>, SyncFlag...) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Creates an instance of ListDataReader that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.retrieveList(ListDataReader) method.
createListDataReader(InputStreamIterableInputConverter<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.FileClient
Creates an instance of ListDataReader that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.retrieveList(ListDataReader) method.
createListDataReader(Class<E>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Creates an instance of ListDataReader that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.retrieveList(ListDataReader) method.
createListDataReader(InputStreamIterableInputConverter<E>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Creates an instance of ListDataReader that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.retrieveList(ListDataReader) method.
createObjectDataReader(String, Class<T>, SyncFlag...) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataReader that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.retrieveObject(ObjectDataReader) method.
createObjectDataReader(InputStreamInputConverter<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.FileClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataReader that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.retrieveObject(ObjectDataReader) method.
createObjectDataReader(Class<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataReader that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.retrieveObject(ObjectDataReader) method.
createObjectDataReader(InputStreamInputConverter<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataReader that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.retrieveObject(ObjectDataReader) method.
createObjectDataRemover() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataRemover that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.removeObject(GluonObservableObject, ObjectDataRemover) method.
createObjectDataRemover() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.FileClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataRemover that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.removeObject(GluonObservableObject, ObjectDataRemover) method.
createObjectDataRemover(Class<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataRemover that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.removeObject(GluonObservableObject, ObjectDataRemover) method.
createObjectDataRemover(OutputStreamOutputConverter<T>, InputStreamInputConverter<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataRemover that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.removeObject(GluonObservableObject, ObjectDataRemover) method.
createObjectDataWriter(String, Class<T>, SyncFlag...) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataWriter that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.storeObject(Object, ObjectDataWriter) method.
createObjectDataWriter(OutputStreamOutputConverter<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.FileClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataWriter that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.storeObject(Object, ObjectDataWriter) method.
createObjectDataWriter(Class<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataWriter that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.storeObject(Object, ObjectDataWriter) method.
createObjectDataWriter(OutputStreamOutputConverter<T>, InputStreamInputConverter<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Creates an instance of ObjectDataWriter that can be passed directly in the DataProvider.storeObject(Object, ObjectDataWriter) method.
createRestDataSource() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Build a RestDataSource that can be used as an InputDataSource to read from or an OutputDataSource to write to the HTTP connection that is created with the parameters specified by this rest client builder.
credentials(GluonCredentials) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClientBuilder
Set the value of the credentials for the GluonClient instance constructed by this builder.


DataProvider - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
The DataProvider is the root entry to obtain instances of GluonObservableObject and GluonObservableList.
DataProvider() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.DataProvider
dataString(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Sets the entity to use for the HTTP connection.
doAdd(int, E) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Adds the element to the List at the position of index.
doRemove(int) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Removes the element at position of index.
doSet(int, E) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Sets the element in the List at the position of index.


exceptionProperty() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservable
Holds the exception that was thrown when a synchronization operation failed.
exceptionProperty() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
exceptionProperty() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableObject


FileClient - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
The FileClient assists in using the DataProvider with files, that are located on the local file system, as the data source.
FileDataSource - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.source
An implementation of IODataSource that can read from and write to a file.
FileDataSource(File) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.source.FileDataSource
Create a new FileDataSource instance.
formParam(String, String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Add a single form parameter to the request.
fromJson(JsonObject) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Generate a new User instance by loading the fields from the provided JSON object.


get(int) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
getAuthenticatedUser() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Gets the value of the property authenticatedUser.
getAuthenticationMode() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Get the authentication mode to use when storing or retrieving data with this GluonClient instance.
getCallbackUrl() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.LoginMethod
Constructs the URL that identifies the callback URL that will be called on Gluon CloudLink as the final step in the connect flow.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Gets the connect timeout for the HTTP connection, in milliseconds.
getConnectUrl() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.LoginMethod
Constructs the URL that needs to be called to initiate the connect flow for this login method on Gluon CloudLink.
getConsumerKey() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Gets the consumer key to use for creating the OAuth 1.0 signature that is sent along with the request, by setting the Authorization request header.
getConsumerSecret() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Gets the consumer secret to use for creating the OAuth 1.0 signature that is sent along with the request, by setting the Authorization request header.
getContentType() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Gets the Content-Type request header that will be set on the HTTP connection.
getCredentials() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Get the application credentials that are used to authorize the application when connecting with Gluon CloudLink.
getDataString() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Gets the entity to use for the HTTP connection.
getException() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservable
In case an exception occurred during processing, this method will return the exception.
getException() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Gets the value of the property exception.
getException() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableObject
Gets the value of the property exception.
getFile() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.FileDataSource
Returns the file that this data source is mapped to.
getFormParams() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Returns a list of form parameters that will be sent along with the request.
getHost() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Get the name of the host that is used for connecting to Gluon CloudLink.
getHost() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Returns the complete host address of the URL to use for the HTTP connection.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.InputStreamInputConverter
Returns the InputStream where this InputConverter will read its data from.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.InputStreamIterableInputConverter
Returns the InputStream where this IterableInputConverter will read its data from.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.BasicInputDataSource
getInputStream() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.FileDataSource
Returns an InputStream that is able to read data from the file that was passed in when constructing the FileDataSource.
getInputStream() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.source.InputDataSource
Returns an InputStream that will be used as the source to read data from.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Returns an InputStream that is able to read data from an HTTP URL that will be constructed with the settings defined on this data source.
getKey() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonCredentials
Get the public key of this application.
getKey() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Get the key that uniquely identifies this user within a Gluon CloudLink application.
getLoginUrl() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.LoginMethod
Returns the URL that must be used when verifying the login credentials of a user when authenticating with the LoginMethod.Type.PASSWORD login method.
getMethod() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Returns the request method to use for the HTTP connection.
getName() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Get the name of this user.
getNetworkId() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Get the unique id within a social network for this user.
getNick() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Get the nick name of this user.
getOperationMode() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Get the operation mode to use when storing or retrieving data with this GluonClient instance.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.OutputStreamOutputConverter
Returns the OutputStream where this OutputConverter will write the converted object to.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.BasicOutputDataSource
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.FileDataSource
Returns an OutputStream that is able to write data to the file that was passed in when constructing the FileDataSource.
getOutputStream() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.source.OutputDataSource
Returns the OutputStream that will be used as the source to write data to.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Returns an OutputStream that is able to write data to an HTTP URL that will be constructed with the settings defined on this data source.
getPath() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Returns the entire path of the URL to use for the HTTP connection.
getPicture() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Get the URL to the profile picture of this user.
getQueryParams() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Returns a list of query parameters that will be sent along with the request.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Gets the read timeout for the HTTP connection, in milliseconds.
getResponseCode() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Gets the status code from an HTTP response message.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Gets the response header fields from an HTTP response message.
getResponseMessage() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Gets the HTTP response message, if any, returned along with the response code from a server.
getSecret() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonCredentials
Get the secret key of this application.
getSignUpUrl() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.LoginMethod
Returns the URL that must be used when signing up a new user that is authenticating with the LoginMethod.Type.PASSWORD login method.
getState() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservable
Return the current state of this observable.
getState() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Gets the value of the property state.
getState() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableObject
Gets the value of the property state.
getTargetClass() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonConverter
Returns the target class that defines the objects being converted from and into JSON objects.
getType() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.LoginMethod
Returns the type of the LoginMethod and defines which service will be used for connecting Gluon CloudLink users.
GluonClient - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
The GluonClient is the access point to the Gluon CloudLink infrastructure.
GluonClientBuilder - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
A utility class for building GluonClient instances.
GluonClientBuilder() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClientBuilder
Default constructor
GluonCredentials - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
A class that represents the credentials that are used when authorizing your application with Gluon CloudLink.
GluonCredentials(String, String) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonCredentials
Construct a credentials object with the specified application key and secret.
GluonObservable - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect
This is the common interface for both GluonObservableObject and GluonObservableList.
GluonObservableList<E> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect
A GluonObservableList is an ObservableList that is linked with a data source.
GluonObservableList() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
GluonObservableObject<T> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect
A GluonObservableObject is an ObservableObject that is linked with a data source.
GluonObservableObject() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableObject


hasNext() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonIterableInputConverter
Returns true if the iteration has more elements, in this case if there are more elements to be returned from the JSON Array that was read from the InputStream.
host(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClientBuilder
Sets the value of the hostname for the GluonClient instance constructed by this builder.
host(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Sets the complete host address of the URL for the HTTP connection.


initializedProperty() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservable
A boolean property that is true when the observable has been initialized successfully after its initial retrieval.
initializedProperty() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
initializedProperty() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableObject
InputConverter<T> - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An InputConverter is a Converter that is able to read an object from a certain input source.
InputDataSource - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.source
An InputDataSource is a class that returns an InputStream that acts as an input source to read data from.
InputStreamInputConverter<T> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An abstract helper class that defines an InputConverter of which the input source is a standard InputStream.
InputStreamInputConverter() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.InputStreamInputConverter
InputStreamIterableInputConverter<E> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An abstract helper class that defines an IterableInputConverter of which the input source is a standard InputStream.
InputStreamIterableInputConverter() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.InputStreamIterableInputConverter
InputStreamListDataReader<E> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
A helper class that represents a ListDataReader that reads objects by reading from a specific InputDataSource and converts the read data with a specific InputStreamIterableInputConverter.
InputStreamListDataReader(InputDataSource, InputStreamIterableInputConverter<E>) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.InputStreamListDataReader
Construct an instance that will use the specified data source to read data from and convert it to a list of objects with the specified converter.
InputStreamObjectDataReader<T> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
A helper class that represents an ObjectDataReader that reads an object by reading from a specific InputDataSource and converting the read data with a specific InputStreamInputConverter.
InputStreamObjectDataReader(InputDataSource, InputStreamInputConverter<T>) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.InputStreamObjectDataReader
Construct an instance that will use the specified data source to read data from and convert it to an object with the specified converter.
IODataSource - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.source
The IODataSource is a convenience interface that extends from both InputDataSource and OutputDataSource interfaces.
isAuthenticated() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Check whether the application is successfully authenticated with a user.
isInitialized() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservable
Return the initialized state of this observable.
isInitialized() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Gets the value of the property initialized.
isInitialized() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableObject
Gets the value of the property initialized.
IterableInputConverter<E> - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An IterableInputConverter is a Converter that is able to read a list of objects from a certain input source by creating an Iterator to provide that list.
iterator() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.converter.IterableInputConverter
Creates an Iterator that is used to iterate over a list of objects that are read from a certain input source.
iterator() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonIterableInputConverter
Returns an Iterator that loops over the items in the JSON Array that is read from the InputStream.
iterator() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.InputStreamListDataReader
Returns an iterator that is able to iterate over the read objects from the list.
iterator() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.provider.ListDataReader
Returns an iterator that is able to iterate over the read objects from the list.


JsonConverter<T> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
A utility class to convert Java objects from JSON Objects and from JSON Objects into Java objects.
JsonConverter(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonConverter
Construct a JsonConverter to convert between JSON and objects of the specified targetClass.
JsonInputConverter<T> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An InputConverter that converts a JSON Object read from an InputStream into an object.
JsonInputConverter(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonInputConverter
Construct a new instance of a JsonInputConverter that is able to convert the data read from the InputStream into objects of the specified targetClass.
JsonIterableInputConverter<E> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An IterableInputConverter that converts a JSON Array read from an InputStream into an Iterator that can be used to iterate over a list of objects.
JsonIterableInputConverter(Class<E>) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonIterableInputConverter
Construct a new instance of a JsonIterableInputConverter that is able to convert the data read from the InputStream into objects of the specified targetClass.
JsonOutputConverter<T> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An OutputConverter that converts an object into a JSON Object that is written to an OutputStream.
JsonOutputConverter(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonOutputConverter
Construct a new instance of a JsonOutputConverter that is able to convert objects of the specified targetClass into JSON Objects and write them into the OutputStream.


ListDataReader<E> - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
A ListDataReader is an entity that has the ability to read a list of objects.
LoginMethod - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
A LoginMethod is used to specify which method should be used for connecting users to your application.
LoginMethod(LoginMethod.Type, String, GluonCredentials) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.LoginMethod
Create a new LoginMethod with the specified properties.
LoginMethod.Type - Enum in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
Defines the different methods by which you can log in to Gluon CloudLink.


method(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Sets the request method to use for the HTTP connection.
MultiValuedMap<K,V> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect
A Map of key-value pairs where a key can contain multiple values.
MultiValuedMap() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.MultiValuedMap


newGluonObservableList() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.InputStreamListDataReader
newGluonObservableList() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.provider.ListDataReader
Provide an instance of a GluonObservableList.
newGluonObservableObject() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.InputStreamObjectDataReader
newGluonObservableObject() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.provider.ObjectDataReader
Provide an instance of a GluonObservableObject.
newGluonObservableObject() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.provider.ObjectDataWriter
Provide an instance of a GluonObservableObject.
newGluonObservableObject() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.OutputStreamObjectDataWriter
next() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonIterableInputConverter
Returns the next element in the iteration.


ObjectDataReader<T> - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
An ObjectDataReader is an entity that has the ability to read an object.
ObjectDataRemover<T> - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
An ObjectDataRemover is an entity that has the ability to remove an object.
ObjectDataWriter<T> - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
An ObjectDataWriter is an entity that has the ability to write an object.
operationMode(OperationMode) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClientBuilder
Set the value of the operation mode for the GluonClient instance constructed by this builder.
OperationMode - Enum in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
Defines the constants that are used to specify how the data will be handled when objects and lists are stored and retrieved.
OutputConverter<T> - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An OutputConverter is a Converter that is able to write an object to a certain output source.
OutputDataSource - Interface in com.gluonhq.connect.source
An OutputDataSource is a class that returns an OutputStream that acts as an output source to write data to.
OutputStreamObjectDataWriter<T> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
A helper class that represents an ObjectDataWriter that writes an object by converting it with a specific OutputStreamOutputConverter and writing it to a specific OutputDataSource.
OutputStreamObjectDataWriter(OutputDataSource, OutputStreamOutputConverter<T>) - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.OutputStreamObjectDataWriter
Construct an instance that will use the specified data source to write the object to that is converted with the specified converter.
OutputStreamOutputConverter<T> - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An abstract helper class that defines an OutputConverter of which the output source is a standard OutputStream.
OutputStreamOutputConverter() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.OutputStreamOutputConverter


path(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Sets the entire path of the URL for the HTTP connection.
push(GluonObservableList<E>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Push any changes made to the list to Gluon CloudLink.
push(GluonObservableList<E>, boolean) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Push any changes made to the list to Gluon CloudLink.
push(GluonObservableObject<T>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient
Push any changes made to the object to Gluon CloudLink.
putMap(Map<K, V>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.MultiValuedMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map into this map.
putSingle(K, V) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.MultiValuedMap
Add the provided value to the list of values associated with this key.


queryParam(String, String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Add a single query parameter to the request.


read() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.converter.InputConverter
Reads an object from a certain input source and returns it.
read() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonInputConverter
Converts a JSON Object that is read from the InputStream into an object and returns it.
read() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.StringInputConverter
Reads a string from an InputStream.
readFromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonConverter
Convert the provided JSON Object into a Java object.
readObject() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.InputStreamObjectDataReader
Reads the object from the specified data source.
readObject() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.provider.ObjectDataReader
Reads the object and returns it.
readTimeout(int) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.RestClient
Sets the read timeout for the HTTP connection, in milliseconds.
removeObject(GluonObservableObject<T>, ObjectDataRemover<T>) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.DataProvider
Remove the provided GluonObservableObject using the specified ObjectDataRemover.
removeObject(GluonObservableObject<T>) - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.provider.ObjectDataRemover
Removes the object and optionally returns an object.
RestClient - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.provider
The RestClient assists in using the DataProvider with HTTP URLs as the data source.
RestDataSource - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.source
An implementation of IODataSource that can read from and write to an HTTP URL resource.
RestDataSource() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
retrieveList(ListDataReader<E>) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.DataProvider
Retrieves a list using the specified ListDataReader.
retrieveObject(ObjectDataReader<T>) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.DataProvider
Retrieves an object using the specified ObjectDataReader.


setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the connect timeout for the HTTP connection, in milliseconds.
setConsumerKey(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the consumer key to use for creating the OAuth 1.0 signature that is sent along with the request, by setting the Authorization request header.
setConsumerSecret(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the consumer secret to use for creating the OAuth 1.0 signature that is sent along with the request, by setting the Authorization request header.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the Content-Type request header for the HTTP connection.
setDataString(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the entity to use for the HTTP connection.
setException(Throwable) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Sets the value of the property exception.
setException(Throwable) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableObject
Sets the value of the property exception.
setFormParams(MultiValuedMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the list of form parameters to be sent along with the request.
setGluonClient(GluonClient) - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.AuthenticationView
Every AuthenticationView needs an instance of GluonClient that contains the credentials and host information to connect to Gluon Cloud.
setHost(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the complete host address of the URL to use for the HTTP connection.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.InputStreamInputConverter
Sets the InputStream to be used as the input source for this InputConverter.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.InputStreamIterableInputConverter
Sets the InputStream to be used as the input source for this IterableInputConverter.
setKey(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Set the key that uniquely identifies this user.
setMethod(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the request method to use for the HTTP connection.
setName(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Set the name for this user.
setNetworkId(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Set the unique id within a social network for this user.
setNick(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Set the nick name for this user.
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.OutputStreamOutputConverter
Sets the OutputStream to be used as the output source for this OutputConverter.
setPath(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the entire path of the URL to use for the HTTP connection.
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Set the URL to the profile picture for this user.
setQueryParams(MultiValuedMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the list of query parameters to be sent along with the request.
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.source.RestDataSource
Sets the read timeout for the HTTP connection, in milliseconds.
setState(ConnectState) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Sets the value of the property state.
setState(ConnectState) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableObject
Sets the value of the property state.
size() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
stateProperty() - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservable
Holds the current state of this observable.
stateProperty() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableList
stateProperty() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.GluonObservableObject
storeObject(T, ObjectDataWriter<T>) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.DataProvider
Writes the object by using the specified ObjectDataWriter.
StringInputConverter - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An InputConverter that reads a string from an InputStream.
StringInputConverter() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.StringInputConverter
StringOutputConverter - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.converter
An OutputConverter that writes a string to an OutputStream.
StringOutputConverter() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.StringOutputConverter
SyncFlag - Enum in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
A SyncFlag defines how changes to objects and lists are reflected between the remote copies on Gluon Cloud and the local copies in the runtime of the client application.


toJson() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User
Converts this User instance to an immutable JSON object.
toString() - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.GluonClient


User - Class in com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud
The User class contains information about a user that was authenticated at Gluon CloudLink using one of the login methods that are configured for a Gluon CloudLink application.
User() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.User


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.ConnectState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.AuthenticationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.LoginMethod.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.OperationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.SyncFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.ConnectState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.AuthenticationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.LoginMethod.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.OperationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.connect.gluoncloud.SyncFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


write(T) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonOutputConverter
Converts an object into a JSON Object that is written to the InputStream.
write(T) - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.converter.OutputConverter
Writes an object to a certain output source.
write(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.StringOutputConverter
writeObject(T) - Method in interface com.gluonhq.connect.provider.ObjectDataWriter
Writes the object and optionally returns one.
writeObject(T) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.provider.OutputStreamObjectDataWriter
Writes the object to the specified data source and returns an Optional that contains the exact same object instance that was passed in.
writeToJson(T) - Method in class com.gluonhq.connect.converter.JsonConverter
Convert the provided Java object into a JSON Object.
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